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Notice 02-27-2025 : The Spring Election will be held Tuesday, April 1, 2025. Polls will be open 7am – 8 pm. Please see the News & Notices Page or Election Section on this website for more information.

Animal Control

All dogs over 5 months of age must be licensed annually. Proof of current rabies is required.

PDF Form available on the website under GOVERNMENT – Forms & Permits - Town of Somerset - Dog License Form

The online form is available at HeyGov - Town of Somerset - Dog License Application

Companion Animal Control
Phone: 715-220-1332
or dial 911 for emergencies

Companion Animal Control
Phone: 715-220-1332
Western Wisconsin Animal Services

Assessor & Property Tax Information

Chimney Rock Appraisal, Barrett Brenner
Phone: 715-926-3199

Visit the St. Croix County website or Chimney Rock Property Search to find your property records.

Visit the Treasurer of St. Croix County for property tax information.

The first installment of property taxes is due on or before January 31st. The second installment of property taxes is due on or before July 31st.

Payments must be made to the St. Croix County Treasurer’s Office located at St. Croix County Government Center, 1101 Carmichael Road, Hudson, WI 54016. Phone: 715-386-4645 or 715-386-4647. Payment information for St. Croix County Treasurer’s Office can be found at the following link:

Clerk/Treasurer Office Questions

On Election Day, the voting polls are open 7:00 a.m.–8 p.m.

You must be registered to vote prior to obtaining an absentee ballot. To obtain an absentee ballot, please visit the website: MYVOTEWI.GOV Or use the form Absentee Ballot Request Form and return it with an acceptable form of Photo ID to the Town Clerk or by mailing to:
Town of Somerset
P.O. Box 248, Somerset, WI 54025
or by email to:

Please contact the Town Clerk if you need any help or assistance.

Please visit the website: MYVOTEWI.GOV for voting information or print this form Voter Registration Application and return it with proof of residency to:
Town Clerk
P.O. Box 248, Somerset, WI 54025
or stop by the Town Clerk’s Office to register in person.

WI has same-day voter registration so you can register at the polls on Election Day.

Forms and Permits

Contact All Croix Inspections who is the Building Inspector for the town.
Information on their website provides information on the process for obtaining a
Building Permit
Phone: 715-377-2152
Address: 1810 Crest View Drive, #1C, Hudson, WI 54016

Perpetual burning permits are obtained from the Fire/Rescue Department are no longer available at the Fire Department and are only available via the HeyGov app on the Town of Somerset’s website. There is no fee for the permit.
HeyGov - Somerset Fire and Rescue - Burn Permit Application

Forms available on the Town website under GOVERNMENT – Forms & Permits

The form can be downloaded completed and mailed with payment of $50.00
Town of Somerset - Driveway Application Form

The online form is available: HeyGov - Town of Somerset Driveway Application

If you are in the process of building a new home, you do not need to contact the Town Clerk, the address sign will be part of your building permit process.

For replacement address signs the fee is $50.00 uninstalled (you pick up at Town Hall). Additionally, the sign may be installed for a total of $125.00 on an existing post or $150.00 on a new post (call Diggers Hotline prior to install)

The form can be downloaded completed and mailed with payment.
Town of Somerset - Replacement Address Sign Form

The online form is available: HeyGov - Town of Somerset Replacement Address Sign

A daily permit is $10.00. An annual permit is $50.00. Park is open 5 am – 11 pm.

Annual permits are available by filling out the form: Twin Spring Park Annual Permit

The online annual permit form is available at HeyGov - Twin Spring Park Annual Permit

Daily permits are available at the self-serve paybox $10.00 cash

The online payment HeyGov - Twin Spring Park Daily Permit

All rules are posted and No overnight camping.

Land Use and Zoning

The Town of Somerset is under the jurisdiction of St. Croix County for Land Use & Zoning. Land Use & Zoning must comply with the Town of Somerset and St. Croix County rules and regulations. If you are inquiring about: Minor or Major Home Occupancy Permit, rezoning a parcel of land, Animal Ordinances, Conditional Use Permits or any other Land Use and Zoning related questions, please contact St. Croix County Community Development Department.
  • St. Croix County - Land Use and Zoning Contacts

  1. Submit 14 days prior to Town Park, Rec & Planning Commission Meeting (1st Wednesday of the month by 3 p.m.)
  2. Submit to St. Croix County Community Development (1st Wed. of Month)
  3. Appear at Town Park, Rec, Planning Commission and Town Board Meeting.
  4. Appear and/or Obtain approval from St. Croix County
*Disclaimer: This is a brief timeline of steps for informational purposes only. There could be additional requirements that are not listed on this FAQ page. Please note that this information is to be used as a guideline only.

The Town is under the jurisdiction for St. Croix County Zoning. Any zoning complaint or concern can be reported to St. Croix County Community Development in the following manner:

By Mail: St. Croix County Community Development Dept., 1101 Carmichael Rd., Hudson, WI 54016
By phone: 715-386-4680
By email:
Preferred method: By Filing out this Code Violation/Complaint form:

Miscellaneous Questions

No, the Town Hall is not available to rent for private parties or events.

Yes. The Town provides a no cost, drop-off recycling program. The program is held every Saturday from 9:00 am –12 noon and is located directly behind the Town Hall, 748 Hwy. 35, Somerset, WI 54025.

The program accepts the following materials:
Aluminum, Tin, Glass, Plastics, Cardboard, Newspaper, Magazines, Office Paper. You can co-mingle plastic, steel, aluminum and glass. Newspaper. Office Paper and Cardboard should be clean, dry, and flattened and must be
kept separate from plastics, cans, glass.

Visit St. Croix County Website at: for more information or look for “Your Wasteline” newsletter sent out in the mail. Contact your hauler to obtain information regarding curbside recycling for your address.

Yes. The Town pays $3.00 per tail for gopher bounty. You must render the gopher tails in person at the Town Hall and fill out a gopher tail bounty payment form.


Town Board and Committee Meetings

The Town Board meets the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at the Somerset Town Hall, 748 Hwy. 35, Somerset, WI 54025.

The Planning Commission meets the third Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at the Somerset Town Hall, 748 Hwy. 35, Somerset, WI 54025. Deadline to submit is the 1st Wed of the month at 3:00 p.m. No Exceptions

The Town publishes all required legal notices in the Hudson Star Observer and on the Town’s website at: Agendas and Meeting Minutes are not published in the Hudson Star Observer but they are posted on the Town’s website.

Town Roads

No, the Town of Somerset does not sell culverts, end walls, salt or street posts.

For weekend and after work hours you can contact St. Croix County Dispatch at 715-386-4701 to report an immediate road issue. Dispatch will contact the Town Officials.

During the daytime work hours, please call the Town Clerk at 715-247-3470 or the Town Shop at 715-247-5094. You can also contact a Town Board member. Their contact information is on the website.

For non-urgent issues you may go online to Town of Somerset and select
[Submit a Form or Report a Town Issue – Report and Issue]